13 Must-Read Rules for Safe Baby Wearing

Baby carriers and baby wraps provide a safe and secure environment for babies and young children. But they can also pose a number of safety risks if not used properly. Before placing your baby into your baby carrier, read these safety tips from the babywearing experts at Boba.

  1. Protect baby’s airway. To make sure your baby has adequate airflow in the baby carrier, keep her nose parallel to the ground with her chin up—not pressed against her chest. Newborns especially need their parents’ help here, since they don’t have the muscle control to do it themselves.
  2. Keep fabric away from baby’s face. Make sure you can see your baby’s face and your baby can see you. Your baby’s face should be at or above the rim of the baby wrap so that it is visible. Check on your baby frequently.
  3. Beware of accidental shaking. We all know never to shake a baby, but babywearing parents don’t always consider how their motions might affect their little passengers. Never jog, run or do any other activity that subjects your baby to shaking or bouncing motions. This motion can do damage to the baby’s neck, spine and/or brain.
  4. Don’t use in cars or on bikes. Baby wraps provide none of the protection that car seats or bike seats provide.
  5. Use the right carrier for your baby’s size and age. Frame backpacks can be useful for hiking with older babies and toddlers, but aren’t appropriate for babies who can’t sit unassisted for extended periods. Newborns should be carried in baby wraps or in baby carriers that are safe to use with newborns.
  6. Perform quality checks. Check the fabric, seams, and any buckles or other fasteners every time you use your carrier.
  7. Consider it your fourth trimester. If you shouldn’t do it while pregnant because of an enhanced risk of falls, you shouldn’t do it while carrying a baby (think ice skating, riding a horse, walking on slippery surfaces). protection.
  8. If it requires protective gear, don’t do it. Baby wraps do not provide protection from loud noises, projectiles (rocks flung from a lawn mower, for instance), fumes, or dust. Don’t do hazardous chores with baby in tow.
  9. Protect your baby from the elements. Provide sun protection in the winter. Don’t overdress in the summer. In winter, consider a Boba hoodie or vest, designed specifically to be worn over baby carriers.
  10. Keep an eye on little hands. Be aware of what your baby can reach—especially if he’s on your back where you can’t see him.
  11. Save the coffee for later. Hot food and drinks can easily spill on a baby inside a carrier.
  12. Bend with care. Always support your baby with your arms when leaning or bending over. And don’t forget to bend at your knees—it keeps baby upright and protects your back!
  13. Take care after nursing. Remember to re-tighten the carrier after you nurse so that your baby is snug and high up on your chest.

Visit Boba Family Store for even more information about safe babywearing.

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